Hi everyone. I understand everyone is anxious to have their cards activated again.

07 Feb 2023, 15:13
Hi everyone. I understand everyone is anxious to have their cards activated again. As you can imagine there have been a number of things to address. Let me try and provide some more details around next steps and timeline. The majority of system and process improvements are backend-related and nearing completion, but there have been a couple of issues over the past week that have slowed our progress just a little. Nothing major, but enough to set us back a couple of days. Additionally, although most improvements are in the BE, we will also need to submit a new version of the App (2.4.7) to App Stores for review and approval before cards can be activated again. After which there also needs to be a short period of internal testing in a live production environment. Based on that, my estimation is that Cards will not be live this week. Of course, we all want to have cards switched back on ASAP, but the most important thing is that functionality and security is in place. IMO next week is most realistic. So yes, “days, not weeks” was inaccurate. Secondarily, we recognise that member support is an issue at the moment - with many of you waiting for responses to questions / issues. We’re working through a thorough re-vamp of the support model at the moment, with a view to significant improvements in the very short-term. I’m addressing this personally and will share an update on the re-design of this later in the week. We’re making good progress and working through things as fast as we can and thank you all for your patience. The timeline may change, but this is my assessment based on current progress + some buffer. Sam